
Top 5 most ‘Googled’ questions on Career and Education in India



Why education and career is the most important sector and market in India?

Firstly, India has the maximum number of population in the age bracket of 5-24 which makes us a country of young inhabitants and therefore the scope, space and opportunities in the educational sector are extremely high. India was ranked 27 out of 80 countries in the English Proficiency Index 2017. Most of the literate population in India speak English making us the globally welcoming and easy to communicate country. Hence, we become a huge market for other countries to invest as well.

The trends in education and career worldwide are changing rapidly, what is in trend today becomes obsolete tomorrow; with this drastic transformation Internet (Google) is constant. We do not call a friend, ask an expert or walk into a library to search, we ask Google.  The younger generation and now even young –adults rely on the Internet for a job, career, business, buying –selling, fun, and entertainment.  Thus, we decided to study the growing educational trends, demands and requirements of the youth in career and education by researching, analyzing and answering the top 10 most Googled questions on career and Education.

Here’s the list of the top 5 most searched questions on Google to help you understand, explore and accomplish your goals:-

        5. How can I make a career in Design?

With an array of options to explore in Design like Fashion, Automobile, Graphics, Furniture, Products, Visual Merchandising, Gemology etc. no wonder it is on the list of top 10 Googled questions on the career. In design, Academic qualifications are not very high and require creativity more than scoring. Thankfully, there are some good design institutes in India that have generated lakhs of talented and extraordinary students in the field.

Based on your choice, interest, and ability you can apply at the following institutes that offer courses in Design

  • National Institute of Design
  • National Institute of Fashion Technology
  • Pearl Academy of Fashion

    4. Which are the highest paying jobs in India?

     List of highest paying jobs in India annual package-wise

  1. Management Professionals- Entry level- 3L and advanced level 80L
  2. Investment Bankers- Entry level- 5L and advanced level 50L
  3. Charted Accountants- Entry level – 5L and advanced lever 25L
  4. IT and Software Engineers- Entry level – 4.5L and advanced level 20L
  5. Oil and Natural Gas Sector- Entry level – 3.5L and advanced level 18L

    3. How to get a job in Management?


Management jobs are in high demand because it is there in every profession, whether the company is large or small this post is rather a necessity. Mastery in multiple tasking, group coordination, good communication, and appealing personality is the prerequisite to be a good manager. But, it is indeed hard to get the job of a Manager directly, the only way you can become a good manager is by first working under a good manager. So, your target it to first gain at least one year of experience as an assistant/intern/Junior Manager etc.

         2.  Which foreign language should I learn?


Learn Chinese Language-Today, China is the Largest Growing Economy. The increasing global presence of Chinese products and its growing market makes the Chinese language in demand.  Speaking Chinese can also prove to be beneficial if you are planning your career in marketing and sales. You can also make your career in tourism, embassies or diplomatic service.

Since China is one of the biggest American trades partners therefore many international companies like Coca-cola, Motorola etc. do business with China. China is also a key player in world affairs, hence more employment opportunities.

Places to learn Chinese in Delhi are –

  •  School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies, JNU
  •  Jawaharlal Nehru Academy of Languages, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
  •  Institute for Career Studies YMCA (Young Men’s Christian Association)

Salary- Though Chinese is one of the most difficult languages to learn, if you get through it, you will end up making fairly decent money. For example, if you choose to work in MNC then you start with Rs. 30,000 and go on to 60,000 or more.  As a teacher, it can more than a lakh. It varies as per your interests and career choices. You can also take foreign language coaching in Delhi at Meripadhai.

        1.  Why overseas education is the best option?

The global overseas student market has more than doubled since 2000, making it a lucrative and highly competitive battleground for potential recruits. Studying abroad is a great option for a lot of reasons. Skill development, practical exposure, giving equal attention to every student, better facilities, stress-free atmosphere, and quality education to name a few, are some of the salient features of the International education system. Working and studying abroad are among some of the most rewarding experiences. You get exposure to a new place, culture, trends, and technology.

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